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Insurance Business Canada Names Three Peace Hills Underwriters in their 5-Star Underwriters Publication

Each year, the Insurance Business Canada publication uncovers the best underwriters in the Canadian insurance industry. They undertake a rigorous marketing and survey process, leveraging their connections to brokers across the country to determine who fits the bill. Brokers were tasked to nominate their underwriters and give them a rating on seven different touch points including new business turnaround times, broker support and overall service levels. Underwriters that were rated 80% or greater were named 5-Star Underwriters for 2022.

Despite a whopping 34% of the broker responses coming out of Ontario, Peace Hills Insurance (a Western Canadian insurance company serving Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and the Territories) had not one, not two, but three of our Underwriters classed as the best in our industry. Not only do we now boast three 5-Star Underwriters, but given that today is International Women’s Day, we are immensely proud to say that all three of them are women!

International Women’s Day is about celebrating the achievements of women and calling for the acceleration of gender parity. Today we are proud to celebrate Keri Coffey (Commercial Lines Auto Underwriter in our Calgary Branch), Louise Dion (Commercial Lines Underwriter in our BC Branch) and Veronica Hipkiss (Commercial Lines Underwriter in our Rest of Canada Branch).

“I am honoured to be recognized as a 5-Star Underwriter amongst my peers,” Coffey said. “I am overwhelmed with gratitude to have been selected.”

Though it seems the managers of these three women aren’t all that surprised of their staff’s nominations.

“Veronica has always had customer service has the forefront every day,” said Cynthia Gonzalez, Underwriting Manager of the ROC Branch. “I am thrilled to see this commitment and dedication recognized and awarded by her brokers. It’s a well-deserved shining moment for Veronica and for our company!”

Michele Rose, Commercial Lines Manager of the BC Branch, had similar sentiments to share about Dion. “Louise is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service, prioritizing, and balancing the needs of our Broker partners with the needs of our business.”

It wasn’t lost on all these women that we are announcing their achievements on International Women’s Day, and that the theme this year is #BreaktheBias. Whether deliberate or unconscious, bias makes it difficult for women to move ahead. Peace Hills is proud to share that 50% of our leadership positions are currently held by women, and we are continually looking for ways to share stories about our staff that inspire and promote gender parity. Coffey’s advice to young women just starting in the insurance industry is to “take the time to listen, to explain, and to find a solution,” but most importantly, “Don’t hold back.”

You can read the entire 5-Star Underwriter article in Insurance Business Canada here. To be honoured in this way in 2022 is especially notable, given all the twists and turns our market has faced over these past two years. Keri, Louise and Veronica have gone out of their way to meet their clients’ needs, helping Peace Hills to continue what we are known for best: having strong relationships with our Broker partners.

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