Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do after experiencing a loss?
Property Claims:
- Take reasonable steps to prevent further damage to property and carry out emergency clean up.
- Document and take photos of damaged or destroyed property to provide to your claims advisor. Do not dispose of damaged property.
- Report crime and fire losses to police.
- Contact us or your broker to report new claims as soon as possible.
Automobile Claims:
- At the scene of the accident, DO NOT admit fault.
- If there are serious injuries, please call an ambulance and the police.
- Exchange the following information with other drivers and owners:
-Name and contact information (phone, address, email).
-Take a photo of their driver’s license, registration, and insurance.
-Names of any passengers in the other vehicles involved.
- Obtain witness names and contact information.
- If your car is not drivable, you will need to arrange for towing to a nearby repair facility. Keep your receipts for reimbursement consideration.
- We have a Gold Medal body shop program you may wish to utilize for the repairs to your vehicle. Please refer to our Gold Medal Service page for more information.
- If the accident is in Edmonton, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, or Grande Prairie:
-You will need to attend one of the Collision Reporting Centres to report your claim. Link: Locations - Accident Support Services International Ltd. (accsupport.com)
-If you are towing your vehicle from the scene, ask the towing company to stop at the nearest Collision Reporting Centre as they will need to view the vehicle and take photos.
- Take reasonable steps to prevent further damage to the vehicle.
- Contact us or your broker to report claims as soon as possible.
What are your hours of operation?
Our claims department is open Monday to Friday, 8:00am – 4:30pm MST, excluding Statutory Holidays.
If you do report a claim outside of regular business hours, your call will be transferred to our afterhours emergency line and a Peace Hills claims advisor will contact you on the next business day.
What should I do if I have a claims emergency?
Please call us at 1-800-272-5614.
When can I expect my Peace Hills claims advisor to contact me after I have reported my claim?
- We will make every effort to contact you within 2 business hours of receiving your claim.
- When a high volume of claims is received, they are prioritized, and the most urgent cases are contacted first.
- If you report a claim outside of business hours, a Peace Hills claims advisor will contact you the next business day.
What can I do to make sure things move along quickly and smoothly?
- Report losses to us or to your broker immediately.
- Provide detailed and accurate information.
- Provide photos, police reports, witness names and all other documents to your claims advisor.
- Complete all forms accurately and in full. Your claims advisor will provide you with all necessary forms.
What is a deductible and when should I pay it?
A deductible is the portion of the loss you have agreed to pay, regardless of fault.
After a loss, you would pay the deductible amount to the service provider, or it will be deducted from your claim settlement. (E.g., the repairs to your vehicle amount to $5,000 and you have a $1,000 deductible. You will pay $1,000 to the body shop and we will pay the remaining $4,000 to the body shop.)
Your deductible amount can be discussed with your broker when taking out or renewing your policy. Increasing your deductible is one way you might be able to save money on your monthly/yearly insurance premiums. However, having a lower deductible with a higher premium might serve you better in the event of a loss. Speak to your broker about the best option for you.
Will I get my deductible back?
In most circumstances you will not get your deductible back, however, there are some exceptions:
- If the responsible party or their insurance company accepts fault AND we can recover the claim costs, your deductible may be waived or reimbursed.
Will this claim affect my premium?
Insurance premiums are calculated using several rating variables. Your broker can help you decide if it is worthwhile to proceed with a claim.
How do you decide if my vehicle is a write-off?
- A vehicle is written off when it doesn't make economic sense to repair it.
- We pay you for the actual cash value (ACV) of your vehicle less the deductible, if applicable.
- To determine if your vehicle is a write-off, we will ask an appraiser to inspect your vehicle and they will take the following into consideration:
- Actual Cash Value (ACV) of your vehicle immediately before the loss.
- Estimated salvage return.
- Cost of repairs, including loss of use or rental (if applicable).
- The Actual Cash Value of a vehicle is calculated by looking at:
- Year, make and model of the vehicle.
- Options and trim package.
- Mileage
- Interior and exterior condition of the vehicle.
- Condition of tires and mechanical parts.
- Any after-market equipment.
Who pays for my vehicle damage if I’m not at fault?
For accidents that occur in Alberta:
- On January 1, 2022, a new regulation was introduced in Alberta called Direct Compensation for Property Damage (DCPD). DCPD applies if at least two vehicles involved in an accident carry valid Alberta insurance policies. It allows for a more efficient and consumer-focused claims process. What does this mean?
-If you have collision or all perils coverage, you will always deal with us, even if you are not at fault.
-If you are not at fault and do not have collision or all perils coverage, we will pay for your repairs, not the at fault insurance company, provided that the other vehicle carries a valid Alberta insurance policy.
-The same will apply if you are at fault. The other vehicle will deal with their own insurance company, and we will not pay for their repairs.
-If you are at fault, we will cover your claim, subject to the policy deductible, if you have collision or all perils coverage.
-Fault is determined using Fault Determination Rules that are set out in the regulation.
For accidents that occur in Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon:
- If you have collision or all perils coverage, your claim will proceed through us.
- If you do not carry collision coverage and are not at fault for the accident, your claim will proceed through the at fault vehicle's insurance company.
For accidents outside of the above noted provinces and territories:
- Your claim will be handled in compliance with the regulations for the jurisdiction where the accident occurs.
What are Accident Benefits?
- Accident Benefits coverage is available to the driver and passengers of a vehicle if they are injured in a motor vehicle accident, regardless of who is at fault.
- The benefits cover out-of-pocket medical expenses for treatment, essential medical services, and supplies.
- Limited coverage for wage loss is available.
What do I do when my house has water damage?
- If it is safe to do so, take reasonable steps to protect your property and contents from further damage.
- Move any undamaged items out of the affected areas.
- Take photos to submit to your Peace Hills claims advisor.
- Keep copies of your receipts for any work/material you use to protect your property from further damage and submit to your claims advisor.
How does replacement cost work? (Property claims)
- Replacement cost coverage requires that you replace the damaged or destroyed item with a product of like kind and quality within a reasonable time frame.
- If you choose to cash out on any or all items, the replacement cost clause does not apply, and you will get paid based on the depreciated value. Depreciation is calculated using the pre-loss condition, age, and life expectancy of the item.
How do I make changes to my policy?
To make changes to your existing policy you will need to contact your broker who would be happy to provide you with the advice and guidance required to do this.
How can I start to receive my insurance documents electronically?
There are several ways to receive your insurance documents electronically:
- Some broker websites have the ability for you to sign up to receive all your documents electronically for all your policies (regardless of the Insurance provider).
- My Proof of Insurance is another way in which you can choose as a method of receiving your documents electronically. You can sign up here or by scanning the QR code at the top of your policy documents.
How can I pay for my insurance policy?
- There are a several ways that you can pay for your Peace Hills Insurance policy:
- Contact your broker to make payment.
- Utilize our “Pay Online” function. You will need your Peace Hills Insurance policy number and the postal code attributed to your policy.
- Online Banking.
I am currently set up for monthly payments. How can I change my withdrawal date or my banking information for my premium payments?
Please contact your broker to make any changes to your existing payment plan or details.
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