Commercial Business

Flexible coverage for your business needs

Our business products offer flexible protection over a wide range of industries and operations. We work with you to provide customized limits that suit your needs. Please refer to the Commercial Business section below for examples of the types of industries and Business Operations that Peace Hills writes. This list is not extensive so do contact your Broker for assistance if you do not see the specific operation you are looking for.

Each of our four branches have a top 10 list of commercial business classes that have been deemed more desirable. Brokers, we invite you to connect with your Business Development Advisor or Commercial Property Underwriter to learn what these classes are for your region.



Auto Detailing, Full-Serve Gas Bars, Repair Garages, and more.


Contractors and Construction

Carpentry, Drywall, Electrical, Flooring, Framing, Painting, Excavation, Landscaping, Masonry, Highway Construction and more.



Restaurants - Licensed or Unlicensed, Drive-Ins and Refreshment Stands and more.


Offices (Excluding any Professional Liability/Malpractice)

Business & Professional Services such as but not limited to:
Accountants, Lawyers, Engineers, Architects, Insurance Brokers and similar professional offices.

Health and Social Services such as but not limited to:
Dentists, Doctors, Optometrists, Chiropractors, Small Private Clinics, Massage Therapists and similar offices.

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Professional Services

Hair Salons, Barbers, Beauty Parlours, Janitorial Services, Architects, Engineers and more.

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Office Buildings, Commercial Building Owner (Mercantile and Manufacturing Tenants), Commercial Condos, Vacant Land and more.



Beer, Wine and Liquor Stores, Hardware Stores, Convenience Stores and more.


Other Business Services

Truckmen Hauling, Equipment Storage, Hobby Supplies, Home Decor and more.


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